The Evergreen State College

Reflections on Faculty Orientation Week Sessions:
"Your Education and Your Academic Statement"

Thank you for participating. This form will be used  to assess Faculty Orientation Week sessions from a faculty perspective. The questions are intended to elicit your observations on how your sessions went this year, but also to inform the Mentor Council about how faculty are experiencing this new set of Orientation activities more generally now that the initiative has begun its fourth year.

This information is being collected anonymously with the hope that this will encourage open feedback. Since that means participation by specific persons won't be authenticated, please only complete the questionnaire one time.

Please indicate the session schedule in which you participated this fall:
Olympia Daytime, Monday and Thursday 1-4
Olympia Evening, Monday and Thursday 5:30-8:30
Olympia Saturday 10-4
Tacoma program orientation
Tribal: Reservation-Based/Community-Determined orientation

1b. Observations about the schedule for your sessions:

Observations on using Thinking in an Emergency as this year's common reading:

2b. Reflecting more generally, do you have observations about the practice of having a common reading linked to a Convocation speaker? Do you have suggestions for how to improve this practice in the future?

Observations on this year's Orientation Week Syllabus: Thinking Together/Acting Together:

3b. More generally, what are your observations about the syllabi that are provided as potential guidance to faculty offering O-week sessions?

Observations about your Orientation Week Seminars this fall:

4b. Do you have any other general observations about the seminars that occur in O-week sessions?

Observations on Orientation Essays (drafting, sharing, uploading, etc.) and Introducing the Academic Statement to students this fall:

5b. Do you have suggestions for how to improve these elements of O-week sessions in the future? Do you have any unanswered questions about the policies or procedures related to the Orientation Essay, Academic Statement, or Online Record System?

Now that Evergreen is in its fourth year of implementing the new Orientation sessions, what do you think is the primary benefit for students?

What is the primary benefit of the new Orientation sessions for you as a faculty member?

If you could prioritize one change or improvement to the O-week sessions, what would it be?

Thank you for your responses! Please click "Next" to be taken to the survey submission page...